Juliet Kerins

Deputy Head of Primary

Since her early childhood in Ireland, Juliet knew she would one day be a teacher. This desire stayed with her throughout her education and today, this passion remains as strong as ever. Juliet holds first class bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education from one of the oldest universities in Europe, Trinity College, Dublin, and has developed her career through teaching in Ireland, leadership roles in the United Arab Emirates and whole-school leadership in China. During this time, Juliet has worked with primary school children, bilingual learners, multicultural student groups and adult learners. Weaving rich experience in various curricula with academic research and professional development, she has developed a personal philosophy of education which embraces the whole person, and places high-quality relationships at the heart of educational success.

Juliet believes that, if we can meet each child with complete acceptance, recognise their intrinsic value and worth, and match this with high expectations of their capacity to grow, connection takes place, and learning occurs. Training, skill, technique and theory are all vitally important aspects of the teaching process, but the ultimate agent of growth is the relationship. Through the presence of this warm and supportive relationship, the child experiences the unconditional positive regard of a guiding adult, which acts as a powerful motivator and a deep teacher of their own treasures.

The joy that comes from working with students and their families, and the satisfaction that comes from witnessing and supporting students’ growth and success, continue to energise Juliet’s commitment to the profession of teaching, and to refine her perception and understanding of successful educational leadership. The sheer privilege of being responsible for the care, welfare, education and personal development of our young people continues to inspire her daily in her work. 
With her enthusiasm, experience and expertise, Juliet is delighted to be a member of the founding faculty of GFA Masdar City, and is looking forward to making a meaningful contribution to a school which has the wellbeing and success of every pupil at the heart of its mission.

"Education is not preparation for life; it is life itself." - John Dewey